Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things that make me smile.  I know I complain a lot on here, but I am happy sometimes also.

  1. my son
  2. my daughter
  3. Starbucks grande caramel mocha frappiccino
  4. when my hubby rubs my back
  5. Jack FM, they crack me up.  If you have a Jack FM radio station where you live, listen to it for a while.
  6. Kiss FM morning radio; I don’t listen to them that often, but I like it when I do.  It’s like you are at a party and everyone is talking to you and it’s a fun time.
  7. pedicures (rarely get them, but when I do, I am happy)
  8. massages (same thing)
  9. the fact that all my prime-time shows are premiering soon!
  10. sleep
  11. my job; I actually like my job.
  12. when one of my request customers come in the shop to see me
  13. and finally, the internet: blogging, surfing, myspace, emails, more surfing, watching tv shows online, etc.


Pollyanna said...

You and I have a lot on common. All those things make me happy too!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a happy life after all - great and I do agree with you on #13!

Wishing you a lovely end to your week :D

Anonymous said...

a nice TT to you