Wednesday, October 31, 2007

stupid medical idiots

Augh! My poor son was sick yesterday.  Hubby stayed home from work to take him to the doc because he kept coughing and his nose was so stopped up that he couldn’t breathe out of it.  I figured his asthma was acting up and he needed a new puffer or something.  Well, this crazy doctor gave him Amoxclav (which always makes him throw up) and some type of prednisone (which is hard on the tummy) and Flonase for the allergies and a new puffer for the asthma.  Well, just a few hours after taking all of his new meds, he starts violently throwing up, continuously for an hour!  I call the doc office and I talk to a nurse and she will have the doctor get back with me.  Almost the whole hour goes by and I call them back and they send me to the nurse’s voice mail!  So I try to go back to the front desk and tell them that my son is still throwing up and they say I have to leave a message for the nurse if they don’t answer the phone, because they are with a patient.  So I say FINE. And I leave a message that my son has been throwing up for an hour now and I need to know what to do about it!!!!!!!

So I call the pharmacy (Walgreens) and they are much more helpful.  The pharmacist tells me to just let him throw up till he is done and that the prednisone thing is very hard on kid’s tummies, so don’t give him anymore of that, but that she would still give him the Amoxclav (anti biotic).  But I chose to not give him either one, because he always throws up with them.

Idiots.  But at least the pharmacist was able to make me feel better about it.  Thank you to Walgreens Pharmacy.  I am leaving that doctor’s office.


Pollyanna said...

Exactly. I was going to say that you need to find a new doc STAT. I hope your boy is feeling better, poor baby! It's awful when your kids feel that bad and there is nothing you can do to help them feel better.

Lisa Comer said...

Hope you all feel better! The prednisone is better if he takes it with food - I would be more suspicious of the antibiotic related to the vomiting.

The boys have mostly grown out of their asthma and Ryan is the only one who even needs a puffer anymore, so just hang in there!
