Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Ok, so, My son is having trouble in school still. He got sent to the principal's office yesterday because he had 4 disciplinary slips for the day! He had bad behavior. He is being mean to girls and saying it's because he is on the "boy's side" because it's "boys vs. girls"! He threw a pencil at a girl and said he hates her, and he talks about girls dying!
Now, when he is at home, his sister is a girl, and he is usually nice to her. Seems like a typical brother/sister thing going on here, sometimes nice and sometimes not, but not to that extreme. I can't seem to make him understand that it hurts feelings when he is mean like that, he just doesn't even care if it does!
The principal is having him come in her office for a week after lunch, instead of going to recess with the other kids, and he is to watch behavior videos and write essays on them. He is in second grade and 8 years old.
I just last week signed papers having them start a team that might can diagnose him with something. They are going to observe his classroom behavior and have some one-on-one time with him to discuss things, and they are going to get some feedback from his teacher and from his parents (us). Hopefully they can come up with something that can help. If he is ADD or ADHD or something else, we need help. He is usually a nice boy, so we don't know what is going on inside his little head! We have also taken away all of his fighting toys, which most boys have some of. This includes army men, Lord of the Rings toys, Star Wars toys, Knights Kingdom stuff, Dragons. He can keep dinosaurs because they are historical, and he keeps his monster trucks because they are real. All superheros are gone too, no Batman, Spiderman, Hulk, etc..

Another thing: W2 FORMS
My employer has not gotten our W2 forms to us yet! Aren't they due to us by now? And there is no word on when they will have them. My manager is just like, "I don't know!" But they are not concerned with it. My husband likes to do our taxes as soon as possible each year, and each year for some reason, my employer is running late or gets it to me at the last possible moment, no matter who i am working for at the time. He is likely to turn them in to the IRS. They have many employees, so someone is likely to complain about this besides me.

Also, I sold Creative Memories products last year and I still need to get all of that in order. I am sure I did not make a profit, because I didn't the year before and I didn't pursue it strongly enough to make any good amount of money. Mostly I was just buying the stuff with my discount and selling to family members and friends with a discount too. I did have just a few real parties, but not much.

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