Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm a Hairdresser

So, I cut guy's hair mostly and it makes me wonder, how many of these guys are criminals? child molesters? stalkers? drug users? robbers? whatever. You know, you see a criminal on the news and he has a haircut, and I wonder who cuts their hair and do they know who they are dealing with? Who of these guys are weird sex perverts? bisexual? gay? Well, as long as they don't hurt anyone that doesn't matter really, I guess. But who is a wife beater? child abuser? I feel like most of my customers are nice people. I am pretty sure that my regular customers are nice people. But that is something to wonder about.
Most hairdressers don't like to cut kid's hair, but I do. I think most of the kids are just so cute and sweet and it's fun to hear them talk about whatever is on their minds. Then there are the hyper kids who can't sit even a little bit still, or the cryers. I can follow a moving kid's head to get a good cut, but if they are not cooperating it is harder and if they are having a crying fit, it is really hard to do, and then I feel sorry for them because for some reason they are afraid of getting a hair cut.

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